This list represents only a small portion of the actors and performers that have appeared at the Fox-West Theater. Film premieres and screenings are not provided here, unless the screening included stage appearances. This list is made possible through the support of Carnegie Library of Trinidad, Colorado, and their microfiche collection of the Chronicle-News.
March 16, 1908: Grand Opening
March 22, 1908: "The Gingerbread Man" (play)
May 4, 1908: Kempton Komedy Kompany’s “Signal of Liberty”
May 12, 1908: Kempton Komedy Kompany’s “Man and Master”
May 23, 1908: Ballroom Grand Opening
September 25, 1909: "McFadden's Flats" (play)
October 18, 1909: John Philip Sousa and his band
December 18, 1909: Shakespeare's "Henry VIII," with Louis James
October 12, 1911: Boxer “Fireman Jim Flynn” and Company
October 16, 1911: "Don't Lie to Your Wife" (play) with Dave Lewis
October 22, 1911: "Polly of the Circus" (play) with Ida St. Leon, produced by Frederick Thompson
December 14, 1911: appearance by Sitting Bull
December 21, 1911: "Bright Eyes" (play) with Cecil Lean and Florence Holbrook, produced by Jos. M. Gaites
December 27, 1911: "Paid in Full!" (play), produced by Wagenhals & Kemper
January 15, 1912: Royal Welsh Ladies' Choir, with Marianne Squire
January 25, 1912: "Checkers" (play) with Dave Braham, produced by Kirke La Shelle
March 19, 1912: "Madame Sherry" (play), with Oscar Pigman, Marie Flynn, Flo Irwin,
Lilian Tucker, David Lithgoe, and Virigina Foltz, produced by Woods, Frazec, and Lederer
May 24, 1912: Violinist Haroldi with accompanist Rudolph Polak
September 18, 1912: Bull Moose Rally (political event)
September 19, 1912: "Beverly of Graustark" (play)
September 25, 1912: The John E. Frank Players, with Nellie Watter and John E. Frank (play)
September 26, 1912: Eddie Leach vs. Benny Chavez (boxing)
October 27, 1912: "The Rosary" (play), produced by Gaskill and MacVitty
July 10, 1913: "Dog's Monkey Hotel" (novelty)
October 7, 1913: Mabel Reigelman (opera)
February 17, 1915: "The Winning of Barbara Worth" (play), produced by Klaw and Erlanger
April 25, 1915: Richards & Pringle's Famous Minstrels, with Clarence Powell
May 6, 1915: Rube Welch with the Twentieth Century Maids, produced by Western Wheel Burlesque Co.
October 18, 1915: Polly Primrose, Billie Franklin, Delia Celia, and La Serranita (dance)
December 5, 1915: "When Dreams Come True" (play)
December 30, 1915: "A Pair of Sixes" (play), with Oscar Figman
February 27, 1916: "September Morn" (play), produced by Lowland and Clifford
February 13, 1917: Edison Disc Phonograph demonstration and "tone test," with singer Elizabeth Spencer and violinist Abraham Bond, sponsored by Trinidad Furniture Co.
August 18, 1919: Shimmie dancers Marty Deem and Lucille Wood
August 22, 1919: Julian Eltinge and his Revue of Nineteen Nineteen (Vaudeville)
April 19, 1920: "The Chocolate Soldier" (opera), produced by Ralph Dunbar
December 28, 1920: "The Mikado" (opera), produced by Ralph Dunbar
September 15, 1921: Fashion and style show, sponsored by J. Goldsmith and Sons of Trinidad, Colorado
September 24, 1925: John Philip Sousa and his band
September 10, 1926: Ukelele contest, sponsored by Flynn's Music Store of Trinidad, Colorado
December 23, 1926: Community Christmas party, sponsored by Jewel Company of Trinidad, Colorado
September 9, 1929: John Philip Sousa and his band
October 12, 1930: appearance by Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer's trademark Leo the Lion
June 30, 1932: "The Law Of Sex" with Dr. Henri Clayton, presented by "The Institute of Moral and Hygienic Education"
December 27, 1932: Community Christmas concert, featuring the Trinidad Concert Orchestra and the Monday Music and Apollo Clubs of Trinidad, Colorado
July 22, 1933: "Wheeler and Woolsey in 'Diplomaniacs'" (vaudeville), with Chief Cherokee Bill
September 12, 1933: "Fifth Avenue Salon" (fashion show), sponsored by Smart Shoppe of Trinidad, Colorado
September 30, 1933: grand re-opening of the ballroom, featuring Ken Wolfe and his orchestra, with Miss Less Humphries, vocalist
February 3, 1934: Nelda John and Don Coleman (dance), with Ken Wolfe and his orchestra
September 16, 1935: organ recital by Frederick Marriott, organist and carillonist
November 30, 1935: Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer "studio on wheels" presentation
December 22, 1938: Live radio broadcast of Christmas carols from the West auditorium organ, with organist Sewell Barker
September 9, 1940: "Colorado" (film), with appearance by Roy Rogers
January 6, 1941: Violinist Rubinoff
February 8, 1941: "Ridin' On a Rainbow" (film), with appearance by Smiley Burnette
December 31, 1941: New Years' bonfire on Main Street
March 26, 1942: "Two Yanks in Trinidad" (film) world premiere, with street parade, live music, fireworks, appearance by Eddie "Porkchop" Harris
June 26, 1942: scrap rubber drive and free matinee, held in collaboration with the Strand, Rialto, and East theaters and the City of Trinidad
October 14, 1943: "This Is the Army" (film premiere), with stage show by Camp Trinidad service members
August 16, 1946: "Breakfast in Trinidad" stage show and live radio broadcast
February 19, 1947: "San Quentin" (film), with live radio broadcast and appearance by "one time bandit and train robber" Bill Carlisle
November 3, 1947: "In Old Los Angeles" (film), with appearance by Republic Pictures actor "Wild Bill" Elliot
June 8, 1950: Building Supplies Show, sponsored by Messer Lumber Company of Trinidad, Colorado
September 4, 1952: Hollywood Radio Party, with Carl Webster Pierce, sponsored by Trinidad Lions Club
March 19, 1954: cooking class, presented by Safeway Stores of Trinidad
October 7, 2018: Gov. John Hickenlooper, with Dana Crawford of Urban Neighborhoods, Inc. and Trinidad City Council members
April 28, 2019: Riding Shotgun, with Tom Stepsis, Joseph DePasquale, and Chris Antonowich
June 6, 2019: Donna Harper Keyes; Samuel Young; Top O' The Mornin' (Larry and Lyssa Messoline)
August 9, 2020: Trinidad’s Contraband (Randy Welch, James Richmond, Dave Reeves, Joe Van Dyke, Chris Smith)
August 14, 2020: Donna Harper Keyes & Company
August 19, 2020: Ben Gallagher
August 22, 2020: Trinidad Drum Circle
August 28, 2020: Jacquie Gipson
September 4, 2020: Tara Carr
September 7, 2020: Dylan Earl
September 19, 2020: Ted Thacker
September 19, 2020: Westin McDowell
September 20, 2020: Cheap Perfume
September 20, 2020: Rocky Mountain Horndogs
September 26, 2020: Space in Time
September 27, 2020: Nick Urata
October 3, 2020: Slim Cessna
October 3, 2020: Nathan Cahoone
October 4, 2020: Alright Alright
October 4, 2020: Homeschooled
October 4, 2020: Cole Scheifele
May 8, 2021: Polka Dottie
May 15, 2021: The Shiners Club Jazz Band
June 15, 2021: Ordinary Two
June 30, 2021: Celtification
July 10, 2021: Architectural Tour with Wendy Wazut-Barrett
July 20, 2021: Hilary Marie
August 6, 2021: Michelle Castillo and Justin Bank